IDEX Biometrics fast-tracks Mastercard certification

IDEX Biometrics fast-tracks Mastercard certification

IDEX Biometrics

IDEX Biometrics, a⁣ leading provider of advanced fingerprint identification and authentication solutions, announced‍ today the successful fast-tracking of their⁤ Mastercard certification ⁤process.‍ This achievement allows IDEMIA to offer​ its innovative biometric technology to a‌ wider consumer base, enhancing security and convenience in ​everyday⁣ transactions.

The certification process⁢ grants IDEMIA⁤ the ability ​to ⁢utilize their ‍biometric solutions for Mastercard-branded payment solutions, including contactless cards and mobile payment applications. This‌ breakthrough ​will revolutionize the⁣ payment industry, ⁤making transactions more secure, seamless, and ⁢convenient for consumers worldwide.

Mastercard’s ​strict certification ‌process evaluates the security⁣ and reliability of biometric solutions before granting approval. IDEMIA’s advanced ⁢fingerprint identification technology successfully met ‍all the stringent requirements and industry standards set by Mastercard. This certification represents a‍ significant milestone for ​IDEMIA,‌ reaffirming their commitment to delivering cutting-edge biometric solutions that drive innovation⁢ and enhance convenience for customers.

With this‌ Mastercard certification, IDEMIA aims to bring reliable biometric payment solutions to a global market. ⁣Their fingerprint identification technology provides an additional layer of security ⁣by ensuring that only⁤ authorized ⁣individuals can access payment methods and‌ complete transactions. This eliminates⁣ the risks associated with lost or stolen cards, ⁣as fingerprints are unique to each individual.

Furthermore, IDEMIA’s biometric solution reduces friction in the payment process, enabling customers​ to complete transactions faster and more conveniently. No longer will users ⁢need ‍to ​remember⁢ complex passwords or ‌PINs; their ​fingerprints alone will serve as‍ the secure authentication method.

To celebrate this remarkable achievement, IDEMIA has introduced a limited-time promotion⁤ offering ⁤a 10%​ cashback on all transactions made using their biometric‍ payment solutions. This incentive aims to encourage users to experience the seamless and secure convenience that IDEMIA’s technology provides.

If you want to ‌experience the future of secure payments,‍ don’t miss this opportunity to‍ join the biometric ​revolution. Click below ⁣to learn more about IDEMIA’s biometric payment ​solutions and‍ how ⁢you ‍can fast-track your way to safe and convenient​ transactions:

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