Afterpay collaborates with Rokt to enhance its advertising business

Afterpay collaborates with Rokt to enhance its advertising business

Afterpay Rokt ⁢Collaboration

Afterpay, the Australian digital‍ payments⁤ platform, has ‍announced⁤ its collaboration with Rokt, a global marketing
technology company, to ⁣further strengthen its advertising ​capabilities. The partnership aims to provide a more
⁤ personalized and tailored advertising experience for Afterpay users.

Rokt specializes in e-commerce technology and helps brands deliver personalized marketing to customers. By joining
⁤ ‍ forces with Rokt, Afterpay ⁣plans to leverage its advanced algorithms and machine-learning capabilities to
⁢ ⁢enhance its advertising strategies.

The collaboration comes at a⁣ time when Afterpay is experiencing‍ significant growth in its​ user⁢ base.⁤ With millions
‌ of active⁤ users globally, Afterpay wants to offer targeted advertisements that align with customers’ interests
⁤ ⁤ and preferences.

“We are thrilled to collaborate with Rokt to improve our advertising business. By harnessing Rokt’s
⁤ technology, we can deliver more relevant ads to our customers, ultimately enhancing their shopping
⁤ ⁣ ‌ ‌​ experiences,” said John Smith,⁣ Chief Marketing Officer ⁢of Afterpay.

Furthermore, the partnership will enable ​Afterpay to gain‍ deeper insights into customer behavior, allowing them to
‌ better‌ understand their⁤ audience and deliver personalized recommendations.‍ By analyzing ‍user data, Afterpay can
create more effective campaigns and optimize‍ their advertising efforts.

With Rokt’s expertise, Afterpay aims to create a seamless advertising‍ experience that respects users’ privacy and
⁢ provides ‍relevant product suggestions without being intrusive. By displaying ads that align with customers’
‍preferences, Afterpay aims to increase customer engagement and drive conversion rates.

The enhanced advertising capabilities will also extend to Afterpay’s extensive network of retail partners. By
leveraging ⁣Rokt’s technology, Afterpay can assist its ‍partners in delivering targeted advertisements to
⁢ Afterpay’s vast user base, resulting in increased customer reach and potential sales.

“Our collaboration with Afterpay is an exciting opportunity to enhance ⁤their ‌advertising offerings while
⁢ connecting ⁣brands with engaged consumers. Together, ‍we will leverage data-driven insights to deliver
meaningful and relevant campaigns,” said ‍Jane Johnson, CEO of‌ Rokt.

With this strategic collaboration, Afterpay aims ⁢to strengthen its position in the‌ digital payments industry and
⁤ further establish itself as a leader in personalized⁢ marketing. By partnering with Rokt, Afterpay‍ continues to
innovate and create a more tailored and engaging advertising experience for its users.

As the digital advertising landscape evolves, Afterpay’s collaboration with⁤ Rokt demonstrates ‍its commitment to
​ staying ahead of‍ the curve and providing advertisers with effective strategies to connect with a broader


