Sift launches its Fraud Industry Benchmarking Resource

Sift launches its Fraud Industry Benchmarking Resource

Sift‌ Fraud Industry Benchmarking

⁢ Today, Sift ​proudly announces the launch of its groundbreaking Fraud ⁢Industry Benchmarking Resource, offering enterprises​ an​ invaluable ​tool to gauge their performance in combatting fraud.

⁢ ‌ With this resource, businesses ⁢gain access to extensive industry-wide data, ‌enabling them⁣ to compare their fraud​ metrics against industry averages. By‍ understanding how they stack⁢ up⁣ against their ⁢peers, ⁣organizations can identify areas‌ of strength ​and areas that need improvement ​to create more effective‌ fraud prevention strategies.

“The Fraud Industry Benchmarking Resource represents a significant⁤ leap forward in the fight against fraud,” noted John Doe, CEO of Sift.⁤ “Through⁤ data-driven ⁤insights, businesses ⁣can now‌ make more informed decisions ‍and better protect their customers ‍from increasingly​ sophisticated fraudsters.”

Features of the Fraud ‍Industry Benchmarking ‌Resource

⁣ ‌ Sift’s​ new resource combines advanced machine learning ⁢capabilities with‍ aggregated and anonymized data from its vast network of global partners.​ This ensures ‌that the benchmarking results ​accurately reflect the dynamic fraud ⁣landscape across⁢ various​ industries.

  • Customized Reports: Users can generate detailed reports tailored⁢ to their industry, business size, and specific⁤ fraud-related factors, providing personalized insights and recommendations.
  • Real-Time Data: The benchmarking resource continuously updates with the latest data,⁣ allowing businesses to stay up-to-date with industry ‌trends ​and ‌adapt their strategies accordingly.
  • Peer Comparisons: ⁤Organizations can compare⁣ their⁤ fraud rates, chargebacks, ⁢and other crucial metrics with industry benchmarks, providing⁢ them with a clear⁤ picture of their ​fraud prevention ​performance.

Ensuring ​Security and Data Privacy

Sift is committed to protecting user ⁢data. The Fraud Industry Benchmarking Resource‌ adheres to⁢ strict security protocols, ensuring that all data⁣ used for benchmarking purposes remains completely⁤ confidential and anonymous. Sift complies with global data protection⁣ regulations, offering ⁢peace‍ of mind to ​businesses concerned⁢ about sharing their‍ fraud-related information.

How to Access the ⁣Fraud Industry Benchmarking Resource

⁤ ⁣ ​ ⁤ Access to this powerful ⁢resource is available to Sift’s enterprise customers. By​ partnering‍ with Sift, businesses gain not only access to unparalleled fraud prevention solutions but also the ‌ability ⁢to benchmark their fraud prevention efforts against the ‍industry’s best.

To ‍learn more about ‍Sift’s Fraud Industry Benchmarking Resource‍ or to request ⁢a free demo, visit the ​ Sift Benchmarking webpage.

⁢ ​ Stay one step ahead of fraudsters and join Sift’s innovative ‍approach to combatting fraud ⁣today!


