Neonomics, Carbon Centrum partner to curb CO2 emissions via Open Banking

Neonomics, Carbon Centrum partner to curb CO2 emissions via Open Banking

Neonomics & Carbon Centrum partnership

Neonomics, a leading Open Banking and PSD2 solution provider, has joined forces with Carbon Centrum, a sustainable energy management company, to tackle the critical issue of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions through the power of Open Banking.

The partnership aims to leverage the innovative potential of Open Banking to help individuals and businesses reduce their carbon footprint by providing them with real-time data on energy consumption, emissions, and financial metrics. By offering access to this information, Neonomics and Carbon Centrum are empowering consumers and organizations to make more informed choices that positively impact the environment.

Open Banking enables secure data sharing between financial institutions and third-party providers, revolutionizing the way people manage their finances and make transactions. By incorporating sustainability data into the Open Banking ecosystem, individuals and businesses can track their energy usage, identify areas of improvement, and align their financial decisions with a greener lifestyle.

This partnership not only helps individuals lower their carbon footprint but also supports businesses in achieving their environmental goals. With access to real-time energy usage and emissions data, companies can optimize their energy consumption, identify inefficiencies, and implement sustainable practices to reduce costs and become more socially responsible.

Through their collaboration, Neonomics and Carbon Centrum are paving the way for a more sustainable future by putting environmental data at the forefront of financial decisions. By bringing together their expertise in Open Banking and sustainable energy management, these companies aim to transform the way individuals and organizations engage with their finances and contribute to mitigating climate change.

This initiative comes at a crucial time when the world is grappling with the urgent need to address climate change. By merging technological innovation with environmental consciousness, Neonomics and Carbon Centrum are proving that the financial industry can play a pivotal role in curbing CO2 emissions and promoting a greener, more sustainable world.

Image: Neonomics and Carbon Centrum partnership

Source: Neonomics


