Nuvei obtains ISO 27001 and ISO 27017 certifications

Nuvei obtains ISO 27001 and ISO 27017 certifications

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Nuvei, a leading global payment⁣ technology provider, has recently achieved both ISO 27001 and
​ ISO 27017 certifications, demonstrating its commitment​ to maintaining the highest standards ​in information
security and data protection.

​ ISO 27001 is an internationally recognized standard for an Information Security Management System (ISMS).
​ ​ ‌ By obtaining this certification, Nuvei has successfully implemented comprehensive security controls and
‍ established a robust framework to manage and protect its information assets. This achievement attests to
⁣ Nuvei’s dedication to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of its customers’ data.

In addition to ISO⁤ 27001, Nuvei has also been awarded ISO 27017 ‍certification. This specific certification
focuses‌ on ​cloud service security ⁤controls. By complying with ISO⁣ 27017 standards, ⁣Nuvei ensures that its
‍ ‌cloud-based ⁣solutions meet stringent security requirements. This certification ⁣reinforces Nuvei’s commitment to
providing secure and reliable cloud services ‍to its ‍customers while⁣ effectively managing potential risks.

Security Shield

Why are ISO certifications ⁢important?

​ ​ ISO⁤ certifications are a crucial benchmark for businesses dealing ​with‌ sensitive information. ISO 27001⁣ and ISO
⁢ ‌ 27017 certifications provide independent verification that an organization has implemented rigorous security
‍ measures to safeguard its systems​ and customer data. These certifications ensure the implementation of
best-practice procedures​ and protocols to mitigate risks and protect against unauthorized access,‌ data breaches,
and service interruptions.

For ⁤Nuvei, obtaining​ these ⁢ISO certifications further⁤ solidifies its position as‍ a trusted and secure global
⁤ payment technology⁣ provider. With⁣ rapidly evolving cybersecurity threats, ⁢businesses and consumers alike need
‍ assurance that their sensitive information is protected by companies who adhere to the highest ​standards.

Commitment to​ data ⁤security

‌ Nuvei’s success in obtaining‌ ISO 27001 and ISO 27017 certifications‌ reflects its unwavering commitment to
maintaining the highest levels of data security. These ‌certifications demonstrate the⁢ company’s dedication to
identifying potential ‍security risks,‌ implementing necessary controls, and continuously improving its
⁣ ⁢ information security management processes.

​ ‍By adhering to international standards, ​Nuvei ⁣ensures transparent and secure ‌transactions across its global
‍ payment network. The company’s customers can‍ confidently rely‍ on Nuvei’s payment⁣ solutions, knowing that their
‍ ⁢ data ​is protected by state-of-the-art⁤ security measures.

Secure Transactions

Looking ahead

‌ ⁤With ISO‌ 27001 and ISO 27017 certifications, Nuvei reinforces its ⁢commitment to data security, while continuing
⁣ ‍ to drive ⁢innovation in the global payment ⁤technology⁢ landscape. These certifications empower Nuvei to expand
⁤ ⁣ its reach and deliver secure payment solutions to more businesses worldwide.

As‍ the threat landscape evolves, Nuvei remains dedicated to upholding the trust ‍and confidence of its customers
​ by continually evaluating and strengthening its information security practices.

About ​Nuvei

With over 15 years of experience, Nuvei ⁣is a leading global payment technology provider connecting businesses
⁤ ⁤ and payment partners to facilitate seamless and secure transactions. The company offers a wide range of
​ innovative, data-driven payment solutions designed to meet the unique needs of businesses across various

⁣ ‍ To learn⁢ more about Nuvei and its payment solutions, please visit


