FIS partners with Banked

FIS partners with Banked

FIS and Banked⁣ logos

In exciting news for the‍ financial technology industry, FIS (Fidelity National Information​ Services) has announced ​a strategic ⁢partnership⁣ with Banked, a leading open banking ⁣payments platform.

The ​collaboration‌ between FIS and Banked aims to combine ‌the strengths of ⁤both companies ⁤to streamline and enhance the digital payment‌ experience for customers, merchants, and financial institutions around the globe.

FIS,‌ a ‌renowned ⁣global​ financial services⁤ technology provider, ⁣offers a wide ‍range of ⁣solutions to assist financial institutions in⁣ managing their ⁤operations ⁣efficiently. This partnership‌ signifies FIS’s commitment to constantly⁣ evolve⁢ and adapt to the ever-changing needs of the industry.

Banked is an innovative UK-based fintech⁣ start-up that ‌has been revolutionizing the payment landscape with its open banking platform. By leveraging open banking ⁤APIs, Banked enables real-time payments, faster ⁣transactions, and enhanced‍ security for ‍consumers and businesses alike.

Together, FIS and Banked will focus​ on driving​ innovation and delivering cutting-edge payment solutions. These solutions will integrate⁣ seamlessly with⁣ existing banking systems and provide⁢ a secure and frictionless experience ⁤for‍ end-users.

Mark McMurtrie, Vice President⁤ of Business Development at ⁢FIS, expressed his excitement about the partnership,‌ stating, “Banked’s expertise in open ⁤banking complemented by ‍FIS’s extensive industry experience creates⁣ immense possibilities. We are thrilled ​to work together to revolutionize​ the ​digital payment ecosystem.”

Banked’s CEO,‍ Brad Goodall, echoed McMurtrie’s sentiments, adding, “Partnering with FIS aligns perfectly with our expansion goals and enables us to offer our ‍open banking platform to a broader customer ⁤base. This​ collaboration will accelerate‌ the adoption of open banking payments globally.”

The financial technology industry ‍is​ evolving rapidly, and partnerships like this between FIS and Banked exemplify the industry’s willingness⁤ to collaborate, innovate,⁣ and transform⁢ traditional payment systems. ​Customers can look forward to enhanced payment experiences that leverage the latest technology for convenience, ​speed, and security.

As the partnership advances, FIS‍ and⁤ Banked will unveil a‍ roadmap of⁤ exciting joint initiatives⁤ aimed at transforming the way individuals and businesses⁤ manage⁢ their⁣ payments in the digital era. The prospects for the future of finance⁤ are promising, ‌and this collaboration is a key stepping stone towards a more connected payment ecosystem.

For more information about FIS and ​Banked, visit ‌their websites⁤ at and respectively.



