Aktia partners with Temenos to modernise payments

Aktia partners with Temenos to modernise payments

Aktia and Temenos ‍partnership

Helsinki, Finland‍ – Leading Finnish financial institution⁢ Aktia​ Bank has announced a strategic partnership with
⁤ Temenos, a global banking software company, to revamp its payment infrastructure and enhance⁤ its digital banking services.

Aktia Bank, with its celebrated history of customer-centric innovation and exceptional financial expertise, is ⁤dedicated
‍ ​ to​ providing ‍the ⁢best banking experience for its customers. By collaborating with Temenos, a‌ renowned player in
the banking software industry, Aktia aims⁤ to stay at ⁢the forefront of technological advancements and ensure a seamless
⁣ payment experience for its​ clients.

Streamlining ‌payment processes

One of the main ⁣objectives of Aktia’s partnership with Temenos is to⁣ modernise and streamline payments for ​its customers.
⁣ With a cutting-edge, scalable, and flexible payment ⁣solution, ‌Aktia ⁢will be able to provide a wide range of payment
⁤ ​ ‍ options, including instant payments, to ​cater to ‍the evolving needs of its customers.

The modernisation of ⁣payment systems will enable‍ Aktia Bank‍ to offer secure, convenient, and faster payment ​experiences,
‌ ‌thereby ⁢enhancing⁢ customer satisfaction. By transforming its payment infrastructure, Aktia aims to reduce the complexity
of payment⁤ processes, ensure compliance​ with regulatory standards, and⁤ boost⁢ operational⁣ efficiency.

Embracing digital banking

Through this strategic alliance, Aktia Bank aims to ⁤strengthen its digital banking services and provide an outstanding
‍ customer experience across various digital channels. Temenos’ advanced banking software solutions will enable Aktia
⁤ ⁣ ⁢ ⁤​ to offer cutting-edge digital payment ​functionalities while ‌ensuring ⁣a‌ seamless integration with its existing systems.

With the rapid rise of digital​ banking, Aktia recognizes the importance of offering innovative, secure, and user-friendly
⁤ payment solutions in​ today’s fast-paced, digital-first world. By partnering with Temenos, ⁣Aktia is reinforcing its
commitment to deliver innovative payment services that meet the ever-changing needs and expectations of its customers.

About Aktia Bank

Aktia Bank is a leading Finnish financial institution with a rich history dating back⁤ to 1825. It ⁣is known for its focus
⁢ ⁢ on customer satisfaction,‌ exceptional financial expertise, and commitment to responsible banking practices. Aktia offers
⁣ ⁣ a wide range of banking services ‌including loans,⁣ investments, savings accounts, and insurance, ⁤tailored ‍to both private
⁢ ‍ ⁤ ⁣ and corporate customers.

About Temenos

Temenos is a globally⁤ recognized banking⁣ software ‍company that provides advanced digital banking and core banking software
‍ ​ ⁤⁢ solutions to financial institutions worldwide. With over 3,000 customers in more than 150 countries, Temenos delivers
‌ ⁤ innovative technology, powering the digital ⁤transformation ⁢of banks and enabling them to ‍adapt to changing market demands.

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