BitGo obtains a crypto custody licence in Germany

BitGo obtains a crypto custody licence in Germany

[Current Date]

⁢ ⁤ BitGo, a ⁢renowned leader in ⁣institutional-grade cryptocurrency security solutions,
⁣ ​ announced today that it ⁤has successfully secured a crypto custody licence ⁤in Germany,
signaling its commitment towards expanding its services ⁤across European‍ markets.

⁤ ‍ The licence granted by the German ​Federal Financial Supervisory‍ Authority (BaFin) ⁣allows BitGo
⁢ ⁣ ​ ‌ to offer regulated crypto custody services to⁤ clients​ based in Germany, adding⁣ additional layers
⁢ of trust​ and security ⁤to the rapidly growing cryptocurrency market in the country.

⁤ ⁤ Cryptocurrency custody services are gaining considerable demand as digital currencies increasingly
​ ‌ become part⁢ of institutional investment portfolios. BitGo’s⁢ German licence will enable it to cater
‍ ⁢⁢ ⁢‍ to institutional clients⁢ comprising banks, asset managers,​ exchanges, and other financial service
‌ providers that require secure storage solutions for their⁣ digital assets.

​ BitGo’s Chief Compliance‍ Officer, Colin Goltra, expressed his excitement ⁢about the licence and
‍ ​ their​ commitment to providing compliant and regulated services, “Obtaining a licence from BaFin
⁣‌ ⁤ ⁢ is further validation of our commitment to the German and European ‌markets.‍ We look forward to
⁢ bringing our world-class security and ⁤custodial services to new European customers.”

⁤ ​ BitGo’s innovative technology utilizes multi-signature protocols and industry-leading security
⁢ practices to protect digital assets in⁤ its custody. With this licence, institutional investors
in Germany can confidently trust BitGo as a reliable partner for safeguarding their cryptocurrencies,
⁣ ​ ​ knowing that the company ⁢adheres to stringent regulatory ​guidelines and operates under the supervision
​‍ ⁣ ​ of BaFin.

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