EBANX announces its new product series

EBANX announces its new product series


EBANX, a‍ leading global fintech company, has recently unveiled its highly anticipated new product ‌series,⁤ revolutionizing the way businesses send ⁣and ⁣receive payments in the digital era.

Introducing​ the EBANX Payment Gateway

EBANX Payment Gateway

The flagship product of EBANX’s new series is the EBANX Payment Gateway, which provides a seamless payment ⁢experience for both businesses and consumers. With advanced ‍fraud prevention mechanisms, numerous local payment methods, ‌and a user-friendly interface, the EBANX Payment Gateway enables businesses to expand their reach across various markets and‍ accept payments easily ⁢and securely.

Enhanced Customer Authentication

Another noteworthy addition to EBANX’s product lineup is the Enhanced Customer Authentication system. With the​ ever-increasing need for improved security measures in online transactions, EBANX has developed a robust authentication system​ that ensures secure payments while minimizing disruptions​ to ‌the customer experience.⁣ The Enhanced Customer‌ Authentication system ​complies with the latest PSD2‌ regulations, offering businesses and their customers peace of ⁣mind in ‍a rapidly evolving​ digital ⁢landscape.

Marketplace Solutions for Global Expansion

EBANX Marketplace Solutions

EBANX⁤ recognizes ⁢the growing popularity of global online marketplaces and has‌ tailored its ⁣new series to meet the unique challenges‍ faced by marketplace businesses. The ⁣EBANX Marketplace Solutions enable marketplaces​ to easily ⁤manage complex payment flows, including split payments, escrow services, and multi-currency settlements. This comprehensive‌ suite of tools allows marketplaces to expand globally with ⁢confidence, offering a smooth payment experience to both sellers and buyers.

The Future of Digital Payments

​With the launch of these innovative products, EBANX solidifies its position as a ​frontrunner in the⁣ fintech industry. As the world continues to embrace digital transactions, EBANX remains committed to empowering ⁣businesses with cutting-edge solutions that make global commerce more accessible and secure. The company’s unwavering dedication to⁢ customer⁢ satisfaction, rigorous compliance, ​and‍ technological advancement is⁤ propelling EBANX towards a future where⁣ digital payments know no boundaries.

‍ ‍To learn more about EBANX’s new product⁤ series and to explore how these solutions can benefit your business, visit www.ebanx.com.


