Central Bank publishes new Pix Automatic operating rules

Central Bank publishes new Pix Automatic operating rules

The Central Bank has recently announced the publication of the new Pix Automatic operating rules, which aim to enhance the efficiency and safety of instant payment transactions through the Pix system.

Pix Automatic is a groundbreaking service that allows users to schedule recurring payments, creating a seamless and convenient experience for individuals and businesses alike.

Pix Automatic Service

Image source: example.com

The new rules provide detailed guidelines and operational procedures for Pix Automatic, ensuring that all payment providers and users can make the most of this innovative feature within the Pix ecosystem.

With Pix Automatic, users have the flexibility to schedule periodic payments for recurring expenses such as rent, utilities, subscriptions, and more. This automation significantly reduces the burden of manual payment initiation, and individuals can easily manage their financial obligations.

Businesses can also benefit greatly from Pix Automatic as it simplifies the collections process, enabling recurring billing for services or subscription-based models. By automating payment collections, companies can reduce administrative costs and allocate more resources to core operations.

Moreover, Pix Automatic includes built-in security measures that prioritize user protection. The Central Bank has implemented stringent authentication requirements to prevent unauthorized access to users’ accounts and mitigate the risk of fraud.

The publication of the new operating rules is an important step towards consolidating Pix Automatic as a key tool for digital payments in Brazil. It aligns with the Central Bank’s commitment to fostering innovation in the financial sector and facilitating secure and efficient payment solutions for all users.

Financial institutions and other payment service providers are required to comply with the policies outlined in the new operating rules, ensuring the seamless integration and smooth functioning of Pix Automatic for customers.

As the popularity of Pix continues to grow, the Central Bank remains dedicated to continuously enhancing and expanding the range of services offered through the Pix ecosystem, solidifying its position as a game-changer in the Brazilian payment landscape.

For more information, please visit the official Central Bank website.

Pix Logo

Image source: example.com


