Standard Life and Moneyhub to deliver commercial pensions dashboard

Standard Life and Moneyhub to deliver commercial pensions dashboard

Pensions Dashboard

Standard Life, a leading provider of financial services, has joined forces with Moneyhub to develop and deliver a commercial pensions dashboard to provide customers with more control over their retirement savings.

The pensions dashboard is an online tool that allows individuals to see and manage all their pension pots in one place. It aims to simplify pension management and help people make informed decisions about their retirement savings.

The partnership between Standard Life and Moneyhub brings together Standard Life’s expertise in pensions and retirement planning with Moneyhub’s innovative technology platform. Together, they aim to create a user-friendly and secure dashboard that will provide customers with a comprehensive overview of their pension savings, including details about contributions, investment performance, and projected retirement income.

Stephen Ingledew, CEO of Standard Life, said, “We are thrilled to partner with Moneyhub to develop a commercial pension dashboard that will empower our customers and help them plan for a better retirement. By bringing together all their pension information in one place, we aim to make it easier for customers to understand their retirement savings and make informed decisions about their future.”

The collaboration between Standard Life and Moneyhub comes in response to the UK Government’s initiative to create a digital pensions dashboard that will allow individuals to access their pension information from multiple providers. The commercial dashboard developed by Standard Life and Moneyhub will complement the government’s initiative and provide customers with additional features and functionality.

The development of the commercial pensions dashboard is expected to be completed by the end of the year, with a pilot program planned for early next year. Standard Life and Moneyhub are committed to ensuring that the dashboard meets the highest standards of security and data privacy to protect customers’ sensitive information.

With the new commercial pensions dashboard, Standard Life and Moneyhub aim to revolutionize the way individuals manage their pension savings. By providing a clear and user-friendly interface, the dashboard will empower customers to take control of their retirement planning and make better financial decisions.


